Sunday, January 16, 2011

Lesson 4 - Couleurs ( Colors ) - This video will help you learn how to pronounce the colors in french.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lesson 3 - prononciation des nombres de 1 à 30 ( pronunciation of numbers 1 - 30 )

Lesson 2 - Les Nombres ( Numbers) . This is a list of numbers 1-12. Memorize these and the following ones will become quite easy. In the next post you will be hearing the pronunciation of numbers 1-30.

Lesson 1 - L'alphabets ( The Alphabets) - French has the same number of alphabets as English does. However their pronunciation is quite different.



This blog is self explanatory meaning its designed in a way to make learning french easy, fun and fast. If you stay with the program (which is quite simple) in a few months you'll reach an independent level. what this means is that you will have enough knowledge of the french language that you won't  be needing anyone to guide you anymore.

We will also be looking at french culture which includes the geography of France, its obsession with wine, Paris & why is it called the fashion capital.

Begin with lesson 1 ( Alphabets ). always remember that the best way to learn a language is to know how the alphabets are pronounced. check it out.

Lets learn some French.....